Years in Review--Thank you KHNT!

Posted By Elaine Owen, Apr 12, 2017

The King Hall Negotiations Team has been my best experience in law school. I loved every minute I spent negotiating, felt re-invigorated after every spar, and just enjoyed all my time with the team. While being a team member brought me success--mainly, winning the 1L Negotiations Competition in 2014 thanks to my amazing partner Matt--I joined the team not for the glory, but because it brought me joy. I hope that future students will find the same joy and comradery.

My biggest achievements during my two years on the board as marketing director were 1) reimagining the website as a way to chronicle the team and serve as a form of institutional memory in a place where people cycle through every three years and 2) creating the first ever set of team shirts--only took about 10 years, but we are now on our third order!

I also took over the blog, stealing it from an overly busy research chair, and have used it to chronicle the teams many successes. Though I did make sure to include a few academic articles interesting to those who wish to become better negotiators.

I must now leave the team to negotiate the real world. While I am eager to start practice, I will always look back fondly on my time with the team and will watch the team’s growth with interest. I know I leave the team in good hands and hope that the webpage will be continued to be used as a way to remember the teams’ many successes through the years. I also wish that all KHNT members will continue to have a team shirt!

With Love for Negotiating and KHNT,

Elaine Owen