King Hall Students Place Third at the 2015 ABA Regional Law Student Negotiations Competition.
Posted By Anna Barth, Nov 19, 2015
On November 14-15, King Hall sent two two-person teams to compete in the 2015 ABA Regional Law Student Negotiations Competition in San Diego. Twenty-four teams came from across the 9th Circuit to compete in this year’s competition, the topic for which was “Information Law.” The competitors completed two primary rounds against teams from other schools, and the four highest scoring teams advanced to the finals on the second day. In each round, a panel of three judges evaluated the teams based on a variety of factors such as strength of partnership, comprehensive knowledge of facts, professionalism, and negotiation strategy
Katie Rogers (’17) and Trevor Fehr (’17) placed first overall in the preliminary rounds and advanced to finals where they finished in third place with UC Berkeley finishing in first. Ian Cercere ('16) and Jacob Boyer ('16) placed fifth overall in the preliminary rounds. Both teams received the highest scores in the first round of the preliminaries.
KHNT would like to thank the Dean’s office for its financial support and Shelley Lopez-Emerson for her guidance in booking the travel. Special thanks to Professor Donna Shestowsky (Faculty Advisor) for coaching the teams in preparation for the competition. Further thanks to the KHNT team and board members, and other student volunteers, for sparring with the competitors and helping them get ready for the competition, especially to Anna Barth (’16) and Oscar Orozco-Botello ('16) who served as the student coaches.