

The King Hall Intellectual Property Law Association (KHIPLA) is a student group at the University of California, Davis School of Law. KHIPLA is dedicated to providing educational and career opportunities for students interested in intellectual property. We focus on four main areas:

1. Career information – we provide information on jobs and career opportunities

2. Education – we bring in speakers to discuss a wide array of IP-related issues

3. Networking and social opportunities

4. Development of the King Hall IP program – IP certification program, summer grants program, IP externship program, and engagement with the new Center for Innovation, Law, and Society.



If you'd like to get involved with KHIPLA at UC Davis School of Law, please contact 2024-2025 KHIPLA Co-Presidents, Alyssa Ball (aeball@ucdavis.edu) and Connor Hervieux (cjhervieux@ucdavis.edu). 

Mailing List

If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please send an email to sympa@ucdavis.edu with the subject: "subscribe khipla <first name> <last name> '<class year last 2 digits>".

 Social Media
