Trial Practice Honors Board 2024-25
To Donate
The Trial Practice Honors Board at UC Davis School of Law provides training, practice, and competition opportunities for student advocates at King Hall. Each year, the Trial Practice Honors Board presents the following:
- Cota Competition, an internal trial advocacy competition just for first-year law students at King Hall;
- Carr Competition; an internal trial advocacy competition open to the entire law school;
- The Martin Luther King, Jr. National Civil Rights Trial Competition, the premiere national civil rights-oriented trial competition, which features 16-20 teams of exceptional advocates from across the country each year;
- Training and mentorship opportunities throughout the year; and
- Competition opportunities across the country for talented King Hall advocates regardless of ability to pay.
These activities are made possible each year by our sponsors. As the holidays approach, please consider making a one-time or recurring contribution to support our work by donating here:
Your gift qualifies for a tax-deduction in accordance with IRS regulations, during the calendar year that you make your gift.
If your company or firm is interested in corporate sponsorship opportunities, or if you have any questions about donations to the Trial Practice Honors Board, please contact Alumni Relations Chair Nate Levinson at

The Trial Practice Honors Board would also like to acknowledge our existing 2023-24 sponsors: Barbri, Themis Bar Review, and Cole Huber LLP.
To our past, current, and future sponsors: Thank you! We are grateful for your support.