Chair (1)
The Board Chair is responsible for coordinating activities of the Moot Court Program and the Moot Court Board. The Board Chair's duties include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) sitting ex officio on all committees, including, but not limited to the Asylum and Refugee Law Moot Court Competition, Neumiller Competition, and Outside Competitions committees;
(2) selecting and scheduling appropriate competition dates for the year;
(3) scheduling member work duties;
(4) editing Board publications;
(5) delegating tasks to other Board members when necessary;
(6) tallying and posting Advocates’ scores; AND
(7) serving as the primary liaison among the Board, the administration, the competitors, and the Advocates.
Vice Chair (1)
Any budget decisions fall under the prevue of the Vice Chair. The Vice Chair’s duties include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) preparing and overseeing the budget, including communicating with Law School Accounting, keeping updated account spreadsheets, working with the Competitions Chairs to secure and maintain funding for outside competitions, working with the Asylum Chair to ensure proper funding for the Asylum tournament, and working with the Neumiller Chairs to fund the Neumiller Competition;
(2) overseeing travel plans for competitors, including booking flights and accommodations,
(3) acting as the Official Coordinator for the Intraschool Competition, including preparing daily competition packets for Board members on Duty, purchasing food for judges, assigning Office Manager duties, and delegating responsibilities and forming committees in order to carry out the Intraschool Competition;
(4) assumes role of Board Chair if the Board Chair is unavailable; (5) updating the Rules; AND
(6) overseeing that supplies in the moot court office are stocked and that phone, printer, etc. are working.
Outreach and Diversity Chair (2)
The Outreach & Diversity Chairs will work with the Public Relations Chair and the Appellate Advocacy Professors on marketing, recruitment, and retention strategies. The Outreach & Diversity Chairs should focus their efforts both inward to King Hall students and outward to the greater community. The chairs may split these two goals between them or work simultaneously on them together. The duties of the Outreach & Diversity Chairs include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) organizing informational events (such as lunchtime events, lobby tabling, social media campaigns) for 1L’s to promote the moot court program, including a presentation or training specifically for member of the affinity groups;
(2) organizing and implementing outreach campaigns to groups outside King Hall, which may include other law schools, UC Davis main campus organizations, community colleges, or local K-12 schools;
(3) promoting retention of students in the appellate advocacy program by working with Professors and other Chairs to develop a pipeline from students' 1L year to election onto the Moot Court Honors Board;
(4) work with the Judge Recruitment Chairs to contact different local bar associations and recruit more diverse judges for interschool competitions;
(5) reach out via email and/or meeting or event attendance to each affinity group during Spring semesters to promote 1L recruitment efforts and discuss methods for inclusion;
(6) support students from King Hall affinity groups competing in external moot court competitions put on by affinity bar associations by offering coaching and providing resources where the competition rules permit. The Outreach and Diversity Chairs should reach out to King Hall affinity groups first to assess what support (if any) the affinity group would like from the Moot Court Honors Board in sending student representatives to the competition; AND
(7) may undertake additional outreach efforts to promote the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Fall Problem Writing Chair (2)
The Fall Problem Writing Chairs are responsible for, but not limited to, the following:
(1) write one problem in the Fall semester;
(2) prepare and edit the Fall Problem packet with program rules, problem, and case bank;
(3) write the bench brief for the Fall problem;
(4) both Fall Problem Writing Chairs are jointly responsible for overseeing the preparation of the Fall problem including program packet with program rules, problem, and case bank;
(5) both Fall Problem Writing Chairs are jointly responsible for overseeing the preparation of the Fall problem bench brief with table of contents to be distributed to judges; AND
(6) write one problem and bench brief for the external competition tryouts and assist the External Competition Chairs in the tryout process.
Spring Problem Writing Chair (2)
The Problem Writing Chairs are responsible for, but not limited to, the following:
(1) write one problem in the Spring semester;
(2) prepare and edit the Spring packet with program rules, problem, and case bank;
(3) write the bench brief and dissent for the Spring problem;
(4) both Spring Problem Writing Chairs are jointly responsible for overseeing the preparation of the Spring problem including program packet with program rules, problem, and case bank; AND
(5) both Spring Problem Writing Chairs are jointly responsible for overseeing the preparation of the Spring problem bench brief with a table of contents to be distributed to judges.
The duties of the Scheduling Chair include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) during the Fall Semester, reserving classrooms for the practice exercises in the Appellate Advocacy class;
(2) during the Fall Semester, scheduling groups of students with Board members for the practice exercises in the Appellate Advocacy class;
(3) reserving classrooms for the fall and spring intraschool competitions;
(4) scheduling oral arguments for the fall and spring intraschool competitions; AND
(5) assisting other Board members with scheduling issues, including, but
not limited to, the Judge Recruitment Chairs, Neumiller Chairs, and Asylum Chair and Vice Chair.
Judge Recruitment Chair (2)
The Judge Recruitment Chairs will be the final contacts the Board Chair and Vice Chair will turn to on judge recruitment issues. The duties of the Judge Recruitment Chairs include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) recruiting outside participants to act as Moot Court judges;
(2) recruiting volunteers to serve as time clerks for fall and spring competitions;
(3) maintaining and updating the judge recruitment database to reflect changes of address and the Board’s recommendations for returning judges;
(4) assigning recruited judges to courtrooms for each competition evening and maintaining an updated schedule reflecting such assignments; AND
(5) printing copies of the bench brief for judges.
External Competition Chair (2)
The duties of the External Competitions Chairs include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) administration of all Interscholastic Competition Teams;
(2) setting criteria to obtain Moot Court Board support for students wishing to participate in outside competitions;
(3) overseeing the Competitions Committee;
(4) publicize the competitions by, for example: making information available to students and speaking to the Appellate Advocacy class;
(5) producing “Competition Packets” that include all necessary forms and information for competition teams; AND
(6) establishing a budget for each competition in coordination with the Vice Chair, which includes soliciting the Dean’s Office for additional funds.
Internal Competition Chair (3)
The duties of the Internal Competition Chairs include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) administration of the Fall and Spring intraschool competitions for the Appellate Advocacy classes;
(2) ensuring advocates know the Rules of Court pertaining to the Fall and Spring intraschool competitions;
(3) ensuring each room for oral arguments is equipped with the necessary materials, including scoresheets, bench briefs, and robes;
(4) facilitation and organization of the advocate briefs for grading by Board members; AND
(5) entering advocate brief scores and oral advocacy scores on the master spreadsheet.
Public Relations Chair (1)
The duties of the Public Relations Chair include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) generally informing the law school community of the Moot Court Program’s activities and events by providing information via the internet, on the Moot Court Bulletin Board, in publications, and in other locations at the law school;
(2) posting announcements and flyers regarding the Moot Court Program’s administrative business (e.g., the Board Members’ Office Hours Schedule), events (e.g., the Neumiller Competition), and other relevant information as it arises;
(3) updating and maintaining the Moot Court Board’s website and social media accounts;
(4) working with the Asylum Competition Chair and Vice Chair to create marketing materials;
(5) updating and displaying all Moot Court trophies, including the Neumiller Cup, throughout the year; AND
(6) posting “Congratulations!” posters for all teams/competitors involved in both the intraschool and interschool competitions.
Neumiller Chair (2)
The Neumiller Chairs are responsible for, but not limited to, the following duties for the Neumiller Competition:
(1) recruiting outside judges;
(2) organizing pre- and post-event receptions and meals;
(3) organizing student receptions;
(4) printing programs;
(5) organizing travel arrangements;
(6) purchasing and having awards engraved; AND
(7) presenting awards at the awards reception.
Culture Week Chair and LSA Liaison (1)
The duties of the Culture Week Chair/LSA Liaison include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) registering the MCHB for a Culture Week, in accordance with the procedure set out by LSA;
(2) responsible for the planning and execution of all events and activities related to Culture Week;
(3) attending any LSA meetings on behalf of the MCHB as needed throughout the year;
(4) attending or designating an attendee to represent the MCHB at any LSA-required training or meeting; AND
(5) updating the MCHB regarding any relevant LSA activities.
Asylum Competition Chair (3)
The Asylum Competition Chairs shall be ultimately responsible for the success of the Asylum and Refugee Law National Moot Court Competition. They shall be assisted by the
Asylum Problem Writing Chair, the Public Relations Chair, and the Asylum Competition Committee. The Asylum Competition Chair is responsible for, but not limited to, the following duties for the Asylum Competition:
(1) aggressively recruiting competitors from law schools around the nation (including direct mailings and email correspondence with immigration law faculty and ABA moot court boards);
(2) aggressively recruiting preliminary, semifinal, and final round competition judges from among the judiciary, local bar, and UC Davis and McGeorge faculty;
(3) obtaining corporate sponsorship, and, if necessary, supplemental funds from the school;
(4) coordinating the Asylum Competition Awards Banquet;
(5) obtaining press coverage from campus and regional news outlets; (6) coordinating all principal post-competition activities, including writing thank you letters to judges and student bailiffs, sending to all competitors PDFs of their score sheets
(7) working with the Public Relations Chair to create marketing materials;
(8) preparing informational and registration materials;
(9) creating and managing a budget;
(10) purchasing trophies; AND
(11) organizing the events and schedule of the tournament.
Asylum Problem Writing Chair (2)
The Asylum Problem Writing Chairs are responsible for, but not limited to, the following duties:
(1) researching, writing, and editing the facts and majority/dissenting lower court opinions of the Asylum Competition Problem;
(2) obtaining input and review from immigration faculty and immigration lawyers where possible;
(3) preparing a bench memorandum to be distributed to competition judges; AND
(4) serving as back-up judges for the Asylum Competition.
1L Competition Chair (2)
The 1L Competition Chairs are responsible for, but not limited to, the following duties:
(1) coordinating all pre-competition administrative needs;
(2) recruiting and managing 2L volunteers to be bailiffs and judges; (3) coordinating with Judge Recruitment Chairs for any external judge recruitment needed;
(4) holding trainings and office hours for advocates on oral arguments and brief writing; AND
(5) coordinating competition activities to ensure successful execution of the event.
1L Problem Writing Chair (2)
The 1L Problem Writing Chairs are responsible for, but not limited to, the following duties:
(1) researching, writing, and editing the facts and majority/dissenting lower court opinions of the 1L Competition Problem;
(2) preparing and editing the 1L Competition problem packet with program rules, problem, and case bank;
(3) holding trainings and office hours for advocates on oral arguments and brief writing; AND
(4) preparing a bench memorandum to be distributed to all judges.