Juli King, Class of 2018
Juli is a third year law student at King Hall pursuing a career in international human rights law. She joined HALO because of her passion for serving others. Outside of law school, Juli is a TV enthusiast, live music lover, and foodie.
Rebecca Williams, Class of 2019
Vice President
Rebecca is a second year law student and the Vice President of HALO. She loves her HALO family and the opportunity to make a positive impact through HALO's spring break trips. Outside of HALO, Becca is president of Law Cappella and a member of both the Trial Practice Honors Board and Negotiations Team. She also enjoys playing with her parents' puppies!
Deanne Buckman, Class of 2019
Deanne is a second year law student. She is excited to be the secretary of HALO this year and is honored to be part of an organization that does such meaningful work. Deanne is also a member of the King Hall Legal Foundation and president of Students United for Reform and Justice. She hopes to work as a public defender after law school. Outside of school, she likes to go on hikes, attend small music festivals, and brew Kombucha.
Dina Dimirjian, Class of 2019
Co-Trip Chair
Dina is a second year law student and one of the co-trip chairs for HALO. Dina is generally interested in advocating for voices in underserved and underrepresented communities. When she has free time she likes to listen to music, watch TV, go on nature walks, and cook.
Leslee Carroll, Class of 2019
Co-Trip Chair
Leslee is a second year law student and co-trip chair of HALO.
Clinton Mitchell, Class of 2019
Clint is a second year law student and the current treasurer of HALO. In addition to his work with HALO, Clint is involved with King Hall's Water Law and Policy Society, National Lawyers Guild, Student Animal Legal Defense Fund, Wine Law Society, and the Environs Journal. A native of Palmetto, Florida, Clint grew up appreciating the outdoors as well as the conservation that goes along with protecting it. HALO provided him with another one of his passions, through its outreach and aid to underserved communities both local and afar. After receiving his J.D. Clint hopes to find meaningful legal work somewhere in the non-profit or public service sectors.
Marcelle Obeid, Class of 2019
Fundraising Chair
Marcelle spent her undergrad studying political science at UC Davis (shoutout to all the Double Aggies!) and is now a proud cat mom. She went on the HALO trip to Nashville last Spring Break and had the opportunity to help DREAMers renew their DACA forms. She had never seriously considered going into immigration law before, but after meeting DACA clients and hearing their stories, she soon realized how deeply she cared about these issues. The trip actually inspired her to apply for the Immigration Law Clinic this year, of which she is now a proud member. HALO was simply life-changing!