La Raza Law Student Association - King Hall

La Raza Newsletter Fall 2018


Dia de Los Muertos at King Hall

La Raza celebrated our annual Dia de Los Muertos with King Hall on November 1, 2017. Our 1L representative Estela Barajas along with the help of our members did an amazing job on putting on a lively celebration to honor the lives of those who have come before us. Check out the La Raza Law Student Association Facebook page to get information about upcoming events and see more pictures from events:

La Raza Launches an Undergraduate Mentorship Program for Latin@ Students

In October 2017 the La Raza Community Outreach Committee launched a mentorship program with the UC Davis La Raza Pre-Law undergraduates. The purpose of the program is to help promote our shared goal of getting more Latinos into law school. Thirty amazing undergraduate student signed up to receive a law school mentor! La Raza hosted a program launch even on October 26, 2017 at King Hall for mentors to meet with their undergraduate mentees in an informal setting. It was a great event and we look forward to continuing to mentor and work with undergraduate students to create pathways to law school.

La Raza Participates in Law School Student Panel for Undergraduates

La Raza Law Student Association board members Ariana Hernandes, Pablo Colmenares, and Juan Gamboa participated in a Law Student Panel with the undergraduate group La Raza Pre Law. Undergraduate students learned about the law school application process, what law school is like, and advice on how to prepare for law school as an undergraduate.

Student Panel 3

A packed room of undergraduate students listen to a law student panel.

Student Panel 2

LRLSA board members with La Raza Pre-Law organizers. 

La Raza Spring 2017 Newsletter

Spring 2017 Newsletter


Sara Ehsani-Nia ’18 Interviewed on Capital Public Radio

King Hall Students Shine in 2017 Neumiller Competition

Lizzette Gomez '17 Receives Peggy Browning Fellowship

Bianca Dueñas '16 Selected as California Bar Foundation Diversity Scholar

- Stephanie Medina '17 and Ken Wang '18 Awarded Peggy Browning Fellowships